
InnoQuant® HY

Quants you can count on…
A highly sensitive and robust qPCR kit for assessment of human and human male DNA quantity, quality and integrity.
  • Fast Turnaround Time: Run time is under 45 min*
  • Highly Informative and Reproducible: High Copy number targets and includes a Degradation Index (ratio of short to long target quantity), IPC (Internal Positive Control) and Y-chromosome specific male target
  • Highly Sensitive: limit of detection <1 picogram

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Order Products

Catalog #21108-200

InnoQuant HY Human and Male DNA Quantification & Degradation Assessment Kit (ROX Reference Dye supplied) (200 reactions)

DNA Standard, Primer Mix, Dilution Buffer A, Agilent Technologies Brilliant Multiplex QPCR Master Mix, ROX Reference Dye

Catalog #21108-060

InnoQuant HY Human and Male DNA Quantification & Degradation Assessment Kit (60 reactions)

DNA Standard, Primer Mix, Dilution Buffer A, Agilent Technologies Brilliant Multiplex QPCR Master Mix, ROX Reference Dye

Catalog #21108R-200

InnoQuant HY-R Human and Male DNA Quantification & Degradation Assessment Kit (for non-7500/ instruments not running reference dye) (200 reactions)

DNA Standard, Primer Mix, Dilution Buffer A, Agilent Technologies Brilliant Multiplex QPCR Master Mix

Catalog #21108R-060

InnoQuant HY-R Human and Male DNA Quantification & Degradation Assessment Kit (for non-7500/ instruments not running reference dye) (60 reactions)

DNA Standard, Primer Mix, Dilution Buffer A, Agilent Technologies Brilliant Multiplex QPCR Master Mix

Catalog #21105
InnoQuant Spectral Calibration Kit ( 33 uL of each dye at 100 uM )

Calibration standards for HEX, Cy3, Cy5, and TAMRA

Product Details

The InnoQuant HY System is a fast (<45 min run time), 4 Target probe-based qPCR assay utilizing:
  • A short Alu target (80 bp) for assessment of total DNA quantity
  • A long SVA target (207 bp) for better assessment of total amplifiable DNA
  • A multi-copy Y chromosome specific male target for identifying male samples even in sub-picogram level samples
  • An Internal Positive Control (IPC) for inhibition detection.
Forensic samples are highly variable in DNA quantity and quality. Therefore, quantification is a critical step to ensure an appropriate amount of DNA, and downstream typing method, is used for downstream PCR amplification. Many current quantification systems do not fully account for quality differences in forensic samples and can underestimate the optimal amount of amplifiable DNA.
A quantification method that provides more comprehensive information on sample quality can significantly improve the overall workflow in your laboratory. Better decisions can be made on which samples to amplify, the appropriate DNA target to amplify, and whether to concentrate or dilute a sample prior to amplification. This added information allows for a more streamlined workflow and minimizes unnecessary sample processing and retesting.
InnoQuant HY enables you to:
  • Confidently screen negative samples
  • Improve first pass success rate
  • Eliminate unnecessary sample retesting
  • Select optimal protocols and typing test kits
  • Identify samples to preserve for alternative methods such as InnoTyper or Y-STR testing
InnoQuant systems are highly sensitive, reproducible and accurate due to the high copy nature of the assay targets. As shown in the figure below, the InnoQuant HY kit can consistently detect sub-picogram amounts of DNA. This enables you to confidently screen samples and avoid needless processing of negative samples.

In addition, the concentration of the pooled genomic male DNA used for the InnoQuant HY DNA Standard is calibrated against the NIST SRM 2372-A Human DNA Quantitation Standard to increase lot-to-lot consistency.

Figure 1. A serial dilution of the NIST SRM 2372-A Human DNA Quantitation Standard was quantified in triplicate from neat solutions diluted to 0.078125 pg/µL, and mean concentrations compared to values listed in the SRM certificate.
In addition, the concentration of the pooled genomic male DNA used for the InnoQuant HY DNA Standard is calibrated against the NIST SRM 2372-A Human DNA Quantitation Standard to increase lot-to-lot consistency.

When utilizing both the total DNA quantity and the Degradation Index, forensic analysts can better assess the optimal amount of DNA to amplify. Adjusting the amount of input DNA, on even moderately degraded samples, can greatly improve DNA profiles. As shown in the figure below, increasing the DNA input based on the InnoQuant long target results led to 130% more STR alleles being called.

In studies with real casework samples, the InnoQuant long target quant data correlated with downstream STR profile success significantly better than other quantification targets. (For complete study details, see here.)

Figure 2. Degradation study results. Peak height averages of Yfiler alleles detected above 50 RFU with percentage of alleles recovered as sonication time and Degradation Index increases. The data indicates the long target of InnoQuant HY can be effectively used to target Yfiler amplifications to obtain a more complete profile.

With the inclusion of a sensitive multi-copy Y-chromosome specific male target, InnoQuant HY enables you to accurately determine male DNA quantity in challenging male-female mixtures (i.e. sexual assault samples), and more easily identify when sample processing should be stopped, modified, or if the sample should be preserved for alternative testing methods such as InnoTyper or Y-STR testing. As shown in the figure below, male DNA can be accurately detected in samples with large female DNA concentrations.
With multiple dye configuration options, the InnoQuant HY kit is fully compatible with the Applied Biosystems® 7500 Real-Time PCR System, the BioRad CFX Real-Time PCR System, and other instruments. Costly instrument or software upgrades are not required.

Figure 3. Mean quantification results from a series of samples run in triplicate that were prepared with mixtures of human male (NIST SRM 2372-A) and human female (NIST SRM 2372-B) DNA. The male DNA was kept at a constant level of 10 pg/µL while the female DNA was added at increasing levels to create the male-to-female ratio range from 1:1 to 1:8000. The InnoQuant HY kit was able to detect male DNA up to the highest ratio of 1:8000 tested. Additional studies conducted by a third party laboratory have demonstrated the kit’s ability to detect as little as 1 pg/µL of male DNA in a male-to-female ratio of approximately 1:50,000 (data not shown).

Figure 4. Dye configurations for the InnoQuant HY and InnoQuant HY-R kits. The InnoQuant HY kit is recommended for use with the Applied Biosystems® 7500 Real-Time PCR System, while the InnoQuant HY-R kit is recommended for other RT-PCR instrument platforms that do not require the use of a reference dye.

Figure 5. Amplification plots of the DNA Standards and NTC for short (A), long (B), Y (C) and IPC (D) targets.
